It’s that time of year when we celebrate the completion of another school year. Students and teachers young and old are ending the year festively at CCH partner schools (photos below).

CCH Education Liaisons Diédyson Fils and Nirva Jean Baptiste worked with our partner school principals to plan amazing end-of-year parties for all of the kids this month. These “Welcome Summer” celebrations included: board games, lawn games, choreographed dances, water games, an egg relay challenge, and the main event: a soccer match between grade levels. There were tears of joy and heartbreak over those soccer games, but all of the kids enjoyed their special day of fun.

CCH’s littlest students got to join in the fun too. Hosanna and EMEVO preschools had special preschool graduation celebrations with fancy attire. Children displayed their knowledge of local fruits and geography for their proud parents.

Teachers also used the CCH Program Center supplies to create special memory books as graduation gifts for their preschool students (photos below). For the past 2 months, Nirva and Diédyson have been working with Tati Fofo preschool on this project. They had some setbacks finding the materials — transportation between Port-au-Prince and Jacmel is precarious due to gang activity around Port-au-Prince. Local stores have trouble getting/keeping materials in stock. But the final results were worth the wait. Graduating preschoolers received books with photos and memories from their school experience. Teachers also collected stories written by each child, which will be assembled into class books to share with other students. This class book project was a follow up on previous CCH seminars on teaching literacy through children writing their own stories.

14 year old Colin is graduating from 6th grade at Lavanneau Primary School this month. He says, “I am going to 7th grade in another school in the neighborhood. But I don’t have anything to do during vacation. I want to thank my teachers and I want to thank CCH for all that they have done in my life.”

This has been an incredibly stressful year for everyone in Haiti. With inflation, gang violence, and shortages of food and fuel, families are struggling to get by. At the same time, life goes on. At CCH we walk alongside the communities we serve through all of the ups and downs. But it sure is sweet to experience some of these “ups” and celebrate our students and teachers this month!

Thanks for your generous giving that makes it possible for us to lend a hand when our neighbors are down, and jump with joy when they are celebrating.
